Frequently Asked Questions
What time will I drop my pet off at the salon?
Our drop off time is in between 8:30-10:30am. Please do not try to drop your dog earlier than 830, yes staff may be there, however we are busy organising the salon for the days grooming. Please be considerate as knocking or banging on the door will not make us open it before 830am.
How long will my pet’s appointment be?
Although it is difficult to give an exact time, we allow approximately 2-4 hours per appointment.
This may vary due to factors throughout the day that are beyond our control
Can I stay at the salon during my pet’s appointment?
No, our insurance only covers our employees.
How will I know when my pet is ready to be picked up?
We will send you an SMS when your pet is ready. Please pick your pet up within an hour of receiving the text unless arrangements are made prior
What is the difference between a ‘Sanitary’ groom and a ‘Sanitary Plus’ groom?
A Sanitary Groom is a full groom where no length is removed from the body. A Sanitary Plus Groom is a full groom where the dog’s head and feet are shaped.
Will you express my dog’s anal glands?
No we do not express anal glands. This is something that should be done by a vet or trained vet nurse and not a groomer.
Will we pluck your dog’s ear hair?
Yes we will. As long as your dog is not showing any signs of an infection. For example, ball of black wax hair, yeasty smell, redness or yelps when hair is removed. We will not put your dog through pain to complete this process. Hair should come out easily and not be smelly or full of a wax like substance. If we are unable to remove hair and the ear may look like it has an infection, we will advise you so you can seek other treatment.