Grooming Policy

Pimp Your Pets Grooming prides itself on offering cage free grooming for your pets (dogs only). In order to keep a stress free, safe environment for your pet, we groom by appointment only and each pet is given a booking time. Because your pet is an individual and all pets coats are different, prices may vary. A price range can be given prior to grooming based on the services you are requesting; however, we cannot give you a solid quote until we access your pets coat prior to each groom. 

Safety First 

ALL dogs entering the salon must be on leash with a secure collar or harness. ALL cats must be in a secure carrier. 

Cancellations & No Shows 

Please call or text at least 48 hours prior to your appointment to cancel or reschedule. 

At Pimp Your Pets we use a gentle and loving approach in handling your pets, therefore our appointments are scheduled so that each pet receives attentive care in a soothing and calm environment. Your grooming appointment is a reservation for services. We can only take a limited number of appointments each day. A missed appointment is a loss of income to a small business. A cancellation outside of 48hrs or a No Show without notifying us will incur a 50% fee of the booked service. This will be payable prior to any further grooming services. 

Collection after Grooms 

We ask that pickup be within 30 minutes once notified that your pet is ready. If you require your pet to stay any longer than 30 minutes, please discuss at the time of booking NOT at drop off. We do not have the facilities to run a doggie day care. 

Senior Pet Grooming 

Your pet is important to us. We want to assure that every effort will be made to make your senior pets visit as pleasant as possible. Occasionally, grooming can expose hidden medical problems or aggravate a current one. This can occur during or after grooming. In the best interest of your pet we ask that you advise us of any medical issues your older pet may have or currently being treated for prior to grooming. 

Matted Coats & De matting 

Pets groomed on a regular basis adjust and cooperate to the routine. Pets that are not groomed every 4 to 6 weeks may become matted. Matting occurs from lack of grooming, coat overgrowth, not routinely being brushed or a coat not being combed through prior to getting wet. Additional fees apply for de-matting a pet & clipping a matted coat. When matting is severe and/or close to the skin the only humane way to remove the mats is to clip the coat off. In some cases where the matting is not severe and only covers a small area, we can remove them by splitting, thinning and then brushing them out. Matted coats are hard on our equipment. We are not responsible for health conditions that may be revealed by removing a matted coat such as sores, etc. De matting will be at the discretion of Pimp Your Pets after assessment of your pets coat. De matting will be charged at $65 p/hour. A matting fee of $20 will be charged for removal of any matted coats. PYP Grooming Policy Version 1a – Nov 19 

Comb Clips (Longer Style Grooming) 

We pride ourselves on the quality of grooms we provide at Pimp Your Pets. We know our clients love their pets and some ask for longer styled grooms over 10mm. To obtain this style your pets coat needs to be washed, dried and fully brushed out prior to any clipping. Correct preparation of the coat is a pinnacle part of grooming process and coats vary dramatically on each type of dog. Longer styled clips will be charged at the normal rate for the first 1.5 hours and then $60 per hour thereafter

Post Grooming Care 

In order to provide you with excellent customer service, please notify us of any pre-existing general physical/emotional conditions prior to your grooming appointment. We strive to make the experience a happy one for both you and your pet. Our furry companions are as unique as we are, their skin can react differently to grooming equipment (blades and/or shears). For short styles and shave downs it is not uncommon for redness or itchiness to occur. If you notice any problem with your pet’s style, we will make every effort to correct it if notified within 24hr of the original appointment


We do not require proof of vaccinations unless we are bitten by your pet. It is your responsibility as the owner to ensure that your pet is up to date with vaccinations. As we are a cage free salon your pet will be socialising with other dogs whilst in the salon. We will not be held responsible for any issues that may arise from your pet not being vaccinated


Wherever there is animal life in our area, there will most likely be fleas. Fleas and flea prevention plans are an essential part of pet ownership. When you arrive for your grooming appointment, sometimes it is difficult to tell if there are fleas present until we get the animal wet. You will be contacted immediately if we notice fleas. 

Dogs and Cats that come to Pimp Your Pets Grooming with fleas are immediately given a flea bath and a CAPSTAR tablet at an additional fee of $30.00. Capstar begins killing live fleas in 20mins. We use the Capstar along with a flea bath because fleas typically hide in the ears, nose and anus during the bathing process. These fees are put in place to cover the cost of the extra time it takes to sanitise our grooming areas and the extra time it takes to treat the fleas on your pet. 

Vet Care 

We use and recommend Riverstone Veterinary Hospital. Should any situation occur where your pet requires urgent medical attention it will be taken to RVH. As your pet’s health is our first priority, we will ensure that you are contacted as soon as practically possible with regards to the situation. 

By signing the grooming form, you acknowledge that you have read, understand and will comply with the above mentioned policies of Pimp Your Pets Grooming Salon. 


Owner Signature Owner Name Pets Name